| 1. | In chap . 2 , the observational characteristics of the radio burst of the bastille event were discussed in detail . in chap . 3 , we described the associated foundational theories with the model of a magnetic - mirror loop , consisting of the flux duct , the magnetic reconnection , the plasma wave , the wave - wave interaction and so on . then in chap . 4 , using the model of magnetic - mirror loop to estimate quantitatively , we obtain the magnetic field strength , the number of solitons in a single fiber source , the volume of the source and the ducting parameters 对叠加于太阳射电型爆发上的精细结构,作出了观测特征分析,发现大多数纤维结构的观测特征在米波段和分米波段是相似的,由此提出它们可能源于相似的辐射机制,并采用磁镜环模型,首次对分米波段的纤维结构进行分析计算,推算了纤维辐射源区磁场强度大小及辐射源的空间尺度,且相关物理参量的推算量级与其他人的研究工作结果是一致的,从而对该爆发源区的物理环境及过程有了进一步深入的认识。 |